A New Ranking System under the Ving Tsun Athletic Association

(as amended in May 29, 2000)

The VTAA has been certifying the approved instructors for over a decade. The certificates are widely accepted by the general public. In order to further strengthen our "official position" of the certificates, we need to review the existing system. Under the current procedures, if any Ving Tsun practitioner is certified by an approved instructor, he or she will be automatically accepted as our approved instructor. In view of this, we would like to propose a new certification system in order to protect the quality of our approved instructors.


We propose to divide our curriculum into eight certificates. Anybody who would like to apply to become an approved instructor under the VTAA after July 1, 2000 (the proposed implementation date), will have to produce certificates from Levels 1 to 6 duly signed by his or her sifu or an approved instructor. In addition to the above requirement, he or she also has to fulfil the minimum training period of 5 years. The Levels 7 and 8 certificates are being classified as post-graduate certificates which are for our approved instructors to further their study in Ving Tsun Kung Fu. The Levels 1 to 6 certificates will be printed by the VTAA and available for sale to our approved instructors. Our approved instructors shall have the right to issue these certificates on our behalf. 


The Full Instructor certificate and the Levels 7 and 8 post-graduate certificates can only be issued by the VTAA. The Level 7 certificate has to be examined and certified by our approved instructor with 15 years of teaching experience. The Level 8 certificate has to be examined and certified by our approved instructor with 20 years of teaching experience. 


The minimum examination requirements for the Levels 1 to 8 Rank certificates (including our honorary certificates) are as follows:


1.       Level 1 or Siu Nim Tau certificate (Junior Practitioner)

-         Siu Nim Tau (1st Form)

-         Single Hand Chi Sau


2.     Level 2 or Chum Kiu certificate (Intermediate Practitioner)

-         Chum Kiu(2nd Form)

-         Double Hand Chi Sau

(basic Lok Sau or Pon Sau)


3.     Level 3 or Chi Sau certificate (Advanced Practitioner)

       -         Advanced Double Hand Chi Sau

       -         Kua Sau (Free-style)


4.     Level 4 or Wooden Dummy ¢¹ certificate (Apprentice Instructor)

       -    The first half of Wooden Dummy Form (about 60 movements)


5.      Level 5 or Biu Jee certificate (Assistant Instructor)

    -  Biu Jee (3rd Form)

N.B.: According to the curriculum requirements, individual instructors can re-schedule the Biu Jee Form to Level 4 and the Wooden Dummy Form to the Level 5.


6.        Level 6 or Wooden Dummy ¢º certificate (Full Instructor)

-         The complete set of the Wooden Dummy Form

-         Kicking Techniques

-         Advanced Footwork 

N.B.: Holders of the Level 6 certificate can apply to the VTAA for Full Instructor Certificate subject to the fulfillment of the minimum training period of 5 years. 

Please be reminded that the above is only the suggested minimum examination requirements of the VTAA. Individual instructors can add in other Ving Tsun techniques in each level according to their needs.

7.     Level 7 certificate

From this level onward, the certificates are for our approved instructors (Level 6 or above) to continue their study in Ving Tsun. In order to receive this certificate, individual instructor has to complete the 6 1/2 point long pole or an equivalent curriculum as approved by the VTAA. This certificate is only valid for three years. Upon each renewal, the individual instructor must satisfy the VTAA that he or she has participated in the CPD programme as approved by the VTAA within the last 3 years.

N.B. The VTAA has organized two Senior Instructors programmes in the past and have altogether certified 36 instructors. According to the new ranking system, these 36 instructors will be classified to the Level 7 status and they will have to satisfy the continuous professional development (CPD) requirements every 3 years.


8.     Level 8 certificate

All the way along, Bart Cham Do is being regarded as the most advanced curriculum of the VTAA. It is therefore the individual instructor applying for this certificate has to satisfy the VTAA that he or she has already completed the Bart Cham Do training. However, in order to promote the idea of continuous professional development (CPD) of our approved instructors, this certificate is also subject to renewal every 3 years. Upon each renewal, such individual instructor has to satisfy the VTAA that he or she has participated in the CPD programmes as approved by the VTAA.

9.     Certificate of Honour (no ranking)

        The instructors obtaining this certificates have to satisfy the following requirements:

-             15 years or above teaching experience

-             in charge of the CPD programmes organised by the VTAA for at least 6 times

-             have made significant contribution to Ving Tsun Kung Fu

-             recommended by three fellow instructors of the VTAA

-             approved by the VTAA Ranking Committee


The reason for not offering any ranking to this certificate is because the instructors who are in receipt of this certificate should no longer be bound by any rank. This certificate is mainly for giving recognition to those instructors who have made significant contribution to the Ving Tsun Kung Fu.


10.   Level 8 (Honorary) certificate

This certificate is to give special recognition to any member of VTAA though he or she has not yet reached the Level 8 status. The recipient of this certificate has to satisfy the following requirements:

-       has received internationally recognised awards which will bring honour to the Ving Tsun Kung Fu

e.g. gold medal awardee in the World Wushu Championship or International Olympic Game.

-       recommended by three fellow instructors of VTAA

-       approved by the VTAA Ranking Committee