Visit to Fo Shan Ching Wu Martial Arts Academy

On 2nd and 3rd March, 2002, a group of over 50 participants of  Ip Man Ving Tsun, including visitors from Adelaide, Australia, leaded by Sifu Chu Shong Tin and Sifu Chung Yau, visited Fo Shan, and in the morning on the 3rd, they visited the Ching Wu Martial Arts Academy, welcomed by a group of hosts consisted of Sifu Mr. Sit, the Chairman, and Sifu Mr. Kong, Sifu Mr. Ho, Sifu Mr. Law, Sifu Mr. Kim, Sifu Mr. Luk, being deputy chairmen assistant director and instructors respectively, and during the visit, both Hong Kong, Australian and Fo Shan Ving Tsun partitioners each demonstrated the forms of Siu Lim Tau, Chum Kiu, Biu Chi, and also shared the joy of performing Chi Sao among visitors and the local participants, followed by discussions and more Chi Sao activities.

Both parties had exchanged banners in good harmony and within the shortly 2-3hours, everyone had shared a good experience and memory of the visit and anticipate a return visit another time to further communicate between the two places.

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